Child + Family Wellness

education and support for reducing anxiety and increasing resilience

We are reimagining support during early parenting, with an emphasis on lowering anxiety and increasing resilience.

Empowering parents through time in NATURE, NURTURE-ing connection with the kids, NOURISHing the overall health of adults, and UNITE-ing with other people raising kids.

Raising Rooted Kids was founded by a mama who is reimagining the support available to parents. We find solutions for parents to navigate the often overwhelming first eight years of kid-raising (and beyond). The well-being of both parents and kids inspires the Raising Rooted Kids values; time in NATURE, an intention to NURTURE the relationship between parent + child, NOURISH overall health for the whole family, and UNITE with others on the kid-raising path. Join us as we NATURE, NURTURE, NOURISH, and UNITE.